Angular CLI

What is CLI

CLI stands for the Command Line Interface. This is exactly what we need if we want to start our journey with JavaScript Frameworks. CLI allows you to create the whole project structure with a single command.


Usually, if we install CLI (not only relates to Angular) is it said that installing it globally will be easier for you while skipping from one project to another.
If you do not know if you already have the Angular CLI on your device you can use the

npm -g list --depth=0

it provides the list of all global packages installed by npm. The –depth shortens the dependency tree to show only main packages (without their dependencies).

Here’s a sample -g list

Once you get the CLI you call

ng new project_name

where project_name is a name of your project. Inside the project_name you would find your new project.


6 days ago, exactly on 7th of February 2020 The new Angular-cli 9.0.0 has been published.

To track the releases of the CLI go to the Github repository

Below’s the list of changes for the version 9.0.0

support using multiple configurations
add support for ng-add packages that should not be saved as `dependencies`
allow subclass to override default collection name
create commits per migration during update (#15611)
check/prompt for workspace level analytics configuration (#14264)
add support for custom npmrc paths
change the url for doc search
ensure built-in Angular schematics package can be found
prevent postinstall script errors from blocking install
disable Browserslist old data warning
inform user and error if schematics package is in unreachable location (#16466)
migrate and inform users about @angular-devkit/[schematics, core] packages
inform user and error if schematics package is in unreachable location (#16466)
remove alias for deploy command
`ng version` should report if ivy is enabled
improve robustness of Node.js version check
fix package manager warnings when running temporary install
support running a single migration from a package
Renames final message to “Migration completed”. (#16016)
clarify ng update outdated message
remove no-bin-links during npm/yarn install
Prints out when a commit is made in `ng update`.
add link to update guide post running Angular migrations
re-introduce install package using shell spawn (#16112)
disable update commit creation by default
use spawned process error when it’s available
handle null stderr during npm install
only show add/update package install output on errors
remove unneeded git HEAD update message
add migration name to commit header
pass next option to all update logic
verify package specifier when adding a package
skip project analytics prompt when using update
don’t install using global command but rather install in a different folder
change analytics type to boolean or string
improve statues and description logs during update
updated CLI should not have analytics enabled
scoped project names
return success in update execute migrations function
support prerelease CLI versions when bootstrapping update
logic to determine if the installed CLI is out of date
Determine relative paths correctly
ng update log messages printed twice
initialize baseUrl variable
do not warn on multiple array option use
add browser builder index option longhand form to schema
correctly account for linked packages in update
handle promise rejection on analytics install prompt (#15455)

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