Release on Angular

What’s going on in angular 13

Angular has come a long way since its inception in 2010. It’s now the most popular JavaScript framework on the web, and with its latest release, Angular 13 (also known as ANG-13), it’s set to take your development experience to a whole new level. In this article we’ll explore some of the exciting changes coming in this release of Angular that can help you build better apps faster than ever before!

Bazel Builders API Builders

Bazel Builders API Builders are a new set of builders that make it easier to build Bazel targets. These builders allow you to build a target in a single step, without the need to write multiple BUILD files.

The bazel-build command has been updated with these new features:

  • The bazel-plantarget command now supports a –build-only option, which allows you to build only the sources for your project but not its dependencies. This can be useful when developing or testing code where there’s no need for the target package or its dependencies during development (e.g., unit tests).

Type-only imports and exports

In the past, you would have to import a library and then use it in your app. But now, you can do this type-only imports.

This means that when you import a package, it will only be imported as an interface instead of being imported as part of your code file (which makes sense because then it’d be part of the actual code).

Component harness API

Component harness API is a new API that allows you to create a component in a different file, and import it into your application. This is useful for lazy loaded modules and lazy loaded routes. You can also use it to avoid creating components that are not needed yet.

Large file sizes reduction

If you have been following the Angular community for a while, you might have noticed that we have been having an issue with large files sizes. Even though we are using webpack and modern build tools, in some cases our builds would result in very large files. This is because of how ES6 modules work.

Angular 13 solves this problem by introducing support for Ahead of Time Compilation (AoT) which allows us to generate code at compile time instead of at runtime. AoT makes it easier to write code that works across different platforms, browsers and environments.

AngularJS/Angular Hybrid Support Strict Mode

The latest version of Angular is supporting hybrid apps, which allows you to use both an HTML template and the Ngx-bootstrap library. This means that you can use the same app with different views depending on your needs (for example, if you want to show content from a database).

  • angular 13 supports angular 1.5 and above
  • angular 13 supports hybrid apps
  • angular 13 supports the latest eslint versions
  • angular 13 supports the latest webpack versions

Improved Debugging of CSS Issues in Angular Applications

One of the most important features that has been added to Angular is the ability to debug CSS issues in your application. This is done by adding new rules to the CLI and using them in your IDE, or by adding them through the Command Line Interface (CLI).

The first step is to add a rule that will allow you to find errors when compiling your stylesheets. After doing this, you can then run commands like ng lint or ng stylelint followed by some CSS files from their namespaces. If there are any warnings produced from these commands then they will display where each warning occurred within those files on their respective lines so that it’s easier for developers who don’t know as much about what exactly went wrong can fix it themselves rather than having someone else come over and walk them through fixing everything manually!


From what I have seen and read about Angular 13, it is going to be a pretty big change for the framework. This is because there has been so much work done under the hood in order to make this release better than ever before. There are also some things that haven’t been mentioned yet but we can expect from them as well because they will be important features in any new version of AngularJS or Angular.

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