INFO Security and Administration

Server-side rendering with Angular: Benefits and implementation

Server-side rendering (SSR) is the process of rendering web pages on the server instead of the client. This approach can provide significant benefits, such as faster page load times, improved search engine optimization, and better support for non-JavaScript clients. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of server-side rendering with Angular and explore how to implement SSR in your Angular application.

Benefits of Server-Side Rendering with Angular

  1. Faster Page Load Times

Server-side rendering can significantly improve page load times, especially for the initial page load. With client-side rendering, the browser has to download all the necessary JavaScript files and wait for them to execute before rendering the page. This can result in a slower page load time, especially on slow network connections. With server-side rendering, the server generates the HTML and CSS for the page, which can be sent to the browser immediately, reducing the time required for the initial page load.

  1. Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Server-side rendering can also improve search engine optimization (SEO) for your Angular application. Search engines can have difficulty indexing client-side rendered pages because they rely heavily on JavaScript to display content. By using server-side rendering, you can ensure that search engines can index your pages correctly, improving your search engine rankings and visibility.

  1. Better Support for Non-JavaScript Clients

Not all clients support JavaScript, such as some web crawlers or screen readers used by people with disabilities. By using server-side rendering, you can ensure that your application is accessible to all users, regardless of their client’s capabilities.

Implementing Server-Side Rendering in Angular

Implementing server-side rendering in Angular requires some additional setup and configuration. Here are the steps you need to follow to implement SSR in your Angular application:

  1. Install the Required Dependencies

To implement server-side rendering in your Angular application, you will need to install the required dependencies. You will need to install the @angular/platform-server package, which provides the server-side rendering functionality. You will also need to install the @nguniversal/express-engine package, which is used to serve the server-side rendered pages.

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  1. Create a New AppModule

You will need to create a new AppModule for server-side rendering. This module should contain all the components, services, and other dependencies that your application requires for server-side rendering. You should also include the BrowserModule, which is required for all Angular applications.

  1. Create a New ServerAppModule

You will also need to create a new ServerAppModule, which is a module specifically designed for server-side rendering. This module should import the AppModule and the ServerModule from the @angular/platform-server package.

  1. Create a Server-Side Rendering Configuration

You will need to create a server-side rendering configuration for your application. This configuration should include the path to the index.html file and any other assets that your application requires.

  1. Create a Server-Side Rendering Script

You will need to create a server-side rendering script that will render your application on the server. This script should use the @nguniversal/express-engine package to serve the server-side rendered pages. You will also need to configure your web server to use this script for all requests.

  1. Build and Serve Your Application

Finally, you will need to build and serve your application using the server-side rendering script. You can use the Angular CLI to build and serve your application, or you can use a third-party tool like Express to serve your application.


Server-side rendering can provide significant benefits for your Angular application, such as faster page load times, improved search engine optimization, and better support for non-JavaScript clients. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement server-side rendering in your Angular application and take advantage of these benefits. With server-side rendering, you can

improve the user experience of your application and make it accessible to a wider range of users.

In addition to the benefits of server-side rendering, there are also some considerations to keep in mind when implementing SSR in your Angular application. For example, SSR can increase the load on your server, and you will need to ensure that your server can handle the increased traffic. You will also need to ensure that your application is designed with server-side rendering in mind, as not all Angular features are compatible with SSR.

To ensure that your server-side rendered pages are as performant as possible, you should also consider using lazy loading and code splitting to minimize the size of your application bundles. This can help to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network and improve the page load times even further.

Overall, server-side rendering is a powerful technique that can provide significant benefits for your Angular application. By taking the time to implement SSR in your application, you can improve the user experience, boost your search engine rankings, and ensure that your application is accessible to all users. While implementing SSR may require some additional setup and configuration, the benefits it provides are well worth the effort.

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