An Angular Bootstrap made by a Valor team. Allows multiple components to style a website and provide animated UI elements.
An admin platform build with Nebular for Angular 8.x.x. It uses may dependencies but allows to use charts and advanced editors.
A thick progressbar visible at the top of the website Project written in Angular 7.x.x.
An Angular project for loading spinners with different shapes and adjustable animation. The project is distributed under MIT license.
An Angular 2+ project for loading indicators in buttons provided by Ladda.
Loading Angular 2 project with multiple options available working on promises (with ngBusy).
A slim and fancy progress bar written in Angular 2, used to show progress on the top of the page.
RxJS Angular 2 application for chatting. It uses Observables data architecture patterns.
Angular directive for Google Maps. Easy initial setup but not a well-documented list of options. It has a long list of example though.
A continuously maintained Google Maps component written in Angular 2 published on MIT license. Works well with Angular 6.x.x, 7.x.x and 8.x.x.